Emoji Fun Uses
How to make easy emoji bookmarks or tags!
You will need (for this certain type of emoji):
- Yellow felt/fabric
-Black felt/fabric
-Red felt/fabric
-Black permanent marker
-PVA glue
-Normal glue
-Plain yellow paper
-Sticky tape
Tip: I found that using PVA glue is much better than normal glue to stick fabric down
1. Draw a circle on yellow felt and cut it out
2. Draw two love hearts on red fabric, cut them out and stick them to the face
3. On black fabric, cut out a smiley face and stick it to the face
4. On plain yellow paper, using the face as a guide draw around the felt face
5. Glue it to the back of the face
6. Get a paper clip and stick tape it to the back of the paper. Make sure you don't stick it over the paper clip, just under so you can still use it
7. Your emoji face is ready!! Have fun! 😍
After a while of use, you might want to re-stick the paper back to the felt for more effective use and neatness!
Photos: Nik Nak Box